Hey Im Miguel Available for Work
Currently A Student , Working on learning new Techologies and perfectioning cleanCode Practices and studies. Full Stack Web Developer , from California , US , focusing on learning and creating unique applications and Learning New technologies .
Work Experience/Studies
FullStack Developer
Trying to Learn More About Data Bases Solid Structure Bussiness rules and Objectives , focusing in Sql like PostgreSql , Sqlite , Mysql , Dbs and ORMS or Docker Containers as Host of the Database
Learning And Studing Backend Development
During this time I was Focusing on Backend Development , Learning about Nodejs , Express , fastify, Graphql , Restful Api , and also learning about Authentication and Authorization with Jwt Tokens , and also learning about the importance of Testing and Documentation in the development process .
Application UI code in Tailwind CSS React
Going over Tailwind CSS and React Practicing more State useEffect , and learning and have more implementation with Tailwind .
Application code in Nextjs
Getting to know more About Nextjs and its Routing System Making a Store For Products integrating it with a State Manager Like Zustand and implementing Strappi for for payment options , also getting to know framer Motion for app animations .
NextEcommerce (In Development...)
This is a Ecommerce Page created With NextJS and TailwindCSS , in Cunjuction with Shadcn and Uploadthing for Image Upluoad Managenement using Server Actions with , Using Drizzle ORM and PostgresSQL To Make a FullStack Application (Currently in Development...)
UI Veterinary Page
A Veterinary Pacient page To register a pacient , created With React and TailwindCSS Using LocalStorage To Simulate Functionality in conjuction With State
Pomodoro Timer
A Pomodoro Timer To help you focus on your tasks, created With React and TailwindCSS Using LocalStorage To Simulate Functionality in conjuction With State
UI Vlog Page
This is a UI Vlog Page created With React and TailwindCSS Using in MemoryStorage Variables To Simulate Functionality in conjuction With State Using git For Version Control